March 07, 2011

Capture Screens With Windows 7 Snipping Tool

After release of windows 7 on october 22,2009 ,I m planning to upgrade my Dell Inspiron 1520 Laptop Operating System From Windows Vista to Windows 7.

I had Purchased a licenced Copy Of  Windows 7 From Microsoft.and I m Happy With The Product which is really really Good.!!

I like Many Facilities Offer by Windows 7 as well as small Tools like Sniping Tool For Capturing Screen.Snipping tool is built-in Application in Microsoft Windows 7.

here is the Application can click on a seassor Icon-and select appropriate option.


When opening the Snipping tool, you are presented with a tiny window at the top portion of the screen. Also, the rest of your screen goes a transparent white, similar to the UAC window background. Also, the cursor is changed to a + and is preset to select a part of the screen chosen with the cursor. To make a selection, position your cursor at a corner of the object you want to capture. Then click and hold down the mouse as you drag your cursor to the opposite corner and form a box around your object. If you mess up, press Esc and then on the Snipping tool window, press “New”. When completed, let go of the mouse and you will be presented with a window to make minimal changes to your selection.

I would recommend saving the image and then editing it further in Photoshop, Paint, GIMP, or any editor of your choice. You can save your image in either JPEG, PNG, GIF, or a single HTML file. I would recommend saving it in PNG, especially if you are planning on emailing it or posting it to a website. Alternatively, your capture is also added to the clipboard, so you can paste in another application if you don’t want to save it.

You can Select One Of Option from below.

  1. Free Form Snip: You can choose this option for taking free form custom screenshot
  2. Rectangular Snip: For Rectengular Screenyou,can choose this option
  3. Full-Screen Snip
  4. Window Snip

I really Like this Small Utility for Capturing Screens for Writing  Blog posts.It wasnot so easy & Clear before Windows 7

I suggest you to take benefit of windows 7…Its Really Cool and Fast.I m Really too  Happy with It :)

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