March 07, 2011
Google Updated Their Tool Bar PageRank on 30th october,2009
Google updated their Tool Bar PageRank (TBPR) last night, October 29, 2009. I noticed the change around 9 p.m. last night, when I visited and saw an all-green PR 10 tool bar, which caught my attention immediately. Previously, I believe they were PR 8.Also, our take is Google is updating Toolbar PR more frequently in 2009. By my count, this is the fifth update this year, with the last PageRank update occurring on July 29, 2009. Note that in 2008, there were a total of five TBPR updates, so with this latest PageRank update, we’ve already tied last year’s updates and may exceed them with one more update before year’s end. If that happens, it will be evidence that Google is updating PR more frequently.
For reference, Google PageRank is a link analysis algorithm (named after Larry Page, co-founder of Google), which Google uses to assign a numerical weighting to measure the authority, value or importance of a webpage. Nobody outside of Google knows the actual PageRank of a document.
Toolbar PageRank, on the hand, is the little green pixel bar, which displays on your toolbar. Something Google says is “for entertainment purposes only.” Sure Toolbar PageRank may be suspect metric, but it’s all we’ve got to go on because Google’s not giving us a peak at real PageRank.
Either way, I’d be very curious to know if anybody else seen evidence of this latest PageRank update?
Please share your comments.
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