April 28, 2011

Reliance 3G / 2G free internet using proxifier

Here's a 100% working trick for Reliance 2G / 3G free internet using  

proxifire and modified prx file.

Get full speed internet even below 1rs or 0rs using in your PC using rcomwap or smartwap.

Proxifier with prx file has been uploaded as attachment.

It's working fine for me and my friends.

To loose minimum data remove modem directly.

Do not disconnect it through connection manager or mobile partner.

Configure your browser / programs to use following proxy :

Proxy :

Port : 8080

Same settings apply for IDM,opera,firefox,other applications.

To get 3G speed choose any 3G data plan. I suggest you to go with Rs.20 plan.

For fastest proxies visit aliveproxy.com.