August 03, 2011

Google plus gathers massive userbase of 25 million active users

Despite of recent report on
reduced user activity,
google plus has recieved
massive hits and has
managed to gather an
active userbase of over 25
million users, says

. The report doesn't
even include countless mobile and app users.
The explosive growth rate is much
faster compared to that of
twitter and facebook during their infancy period
and is attributed to the fact that
G+ has it's back supported by
google, the search giant itself.

1 comment:

  1. It's good for Google Plus, dubbed as the fastest growing social networking site today. One major feature of Google Plus is the "+1" which is the counterpart to Facebook's "like". But "+1" will have greaters effects on search rankings than Facebook's "like" because Google will certainly patronize one of its own.
