October 16, 2011

Check out the iphone version of Gmail

opera iphone gmail interface I've been using Gmail's IPhone interface for a couple of weeks now and I love for it's functionality rich GUI and smooth response compared to other phone optimized versions of Gmail. If you would like to check out the iphone version but don't own an iOS device, don't worry. Try this link to access Gmail's IPhone optimized version on any device.
It was built for safari but works good on several other browsers including mozilla, chrome and opera. Do try it out and tell us about your experience.


  1. Tried in opera mini 6.... on ma samsung wave... isnt good.... no response

  2. Works good on non java browsers.

  3. This means that the majority of the email out there now is full of restricted comments and the world is wasting petabytes and thousands email developers hours because of this brilliant choice. gmail support
