December 25, 2011

Reddit's impact on GoDaddy - lost 72,000 domains in a week

GoDaddy, world's largest domain registrar, has lost a bunch of it's happy customers because they supported SOPA ( Stop Online Piracy Act ). As a result, customers began to boycott GoDaddy and transferred their domains to other registrars like Namecheap and this took the shape of a movement on Reddit. We also saw lifehacker recommend people to Ditch Godaddy for better anti SOPA alternatives. Once GoDaddy saw the movement rising, they put on a blog post saying "GoDaddy doesn't support SOPA now", which made things even worse for them. 
This week, they lost around 72,000 domain registrations. At a yearly discounted rate of $6.99 (most registrations are higher), that’s over half a million dollars per year. It is apparently not enough for them to speak out against the bill.
[Quoted from Source]

This is a huge number but not sufficient enough for GoDaddy to withdraw it's official support for SOPA or to talk against it because GoDaddy has millions of domain registered under them.


  1. not a happy christmas for godaddy.

  2. Here's something your readers might find helpful. Not sure if it is still working or how long it will be up for, but if you goto and scroll down to the bottom, there is a little frog icon. If you click it, it will let you get domains & other products at cost. I've been using it for 6 months so far and it's still working. A friend of mine turned me onto it, but I'm not sure why it's there or if they forgot about the page, but it's great.

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